039 - The Cost of Discipleship: The Life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Dec 15, 2023    "The Gleanings", Jeremy Nelson, Philip Nelson

In today's Church History Snapshot, we consider the life, suffering, and execution of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. In a time when the visible church was struggling with stagnancy and compromise on biblical truths, and when many Christians went along with atrocities committed against entire people groups, Dietrich Bonhoeffer stood up and stood out as shining light in the midst of darkness. Join us as we consider Bonheoffer's willingness to fight for the Bride of Christ; his opposition against wicked government and those who went along with it; his imprisonment and execution; and Bonheoffer's focus.

For information on Immanuel Baptist Church, visit https://ibcbeulah.com

For more information on "The Gleanings," visit https://ibcbeulah.com/podcast

Resources mentioned in today's episode:

Robert Morgan, On This Day in Christian History: 365 Amazing and Inspiring Stories about Saints, Martyrs and Heroes (Thomas Nelson: 2010)

Eric Metals, Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy (Thomas Nelson: 2020)

Janet & Geoff Benge, Dietrich Bonhoeffer: In the Midst of Wickedness - Christian Heroes: Then & Now (YWAM Publishing: 2012)

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, The Cost of Discipleship (Touchstone: 1995)

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Life Together (HarperOne: 1978)

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Letter and Papers from Prison (Fortress Press: 2015)

RADIO THEATRE: Paul McCusker, Bonhoeffer: The Cost of Freedom (Focus on the Family Radio Theatre: 1997)


MOVIE: Bonhoeffer: Agent of Grace, Directed by Eric Till, Christian History Institute Video