034 - Sola Scriptura (The 5 Solas: Part 1)

Nov 3, 2023    "The Gleanings", Jeremy Nelson, Philip Nelson

What was the heartbeat of the Protestant Reformation? One key principle was "Sola Scriptura" -- what does that mean and why does it matter today? Join us as we discuss how Scripture is our final authority, our inerrant authority, and our sufficient authority.

For information on Immanuel Baptist Church, visit https://ibcbeulah.com

For more information on "The Gleanings," visit https://ibcbeulah.com/podcast

Resources mentioned in today's episode:

Matthew Barrett, God's Word Alone: The Authority of Scripture (Zondervan Academic: 2016)

R.C. Sproul, Scripture Alone: The Evangelical Doctrine (P&R: 2013)

Don Kistler (editor), Sola Scriptura: The Protestant Position on the Bible (Ligonier Ministries: 2009)

Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine, 2nd Ed (Zondervan Academic: 2020)

B.B. Warfield, The Inspiration and Authority of the Bible (P&R: 2020, reprint)