018 - Three Kernels of Wheat: The Gospel Goes to Korea

Jul 14, 2023    "The Gleanings", Jeremy Nelson, Philip Nelson

In today's Church History Snapshot, we look at 3 unnamed Korean laborers who labored to bring the Gospel to unreached Korea in the 1880's. As we reflect on their lives, we will consider (1) God's sovereignty in salvation, (2) a love of God, His Word, and for People, and (3) zealous seed sowing.

For information on Immanuel Baptist Church, visit https://ibcbeulah.com

For more information on "The Gleanings," visit https://ibcbeulah.com/podcast

Resource mentioned in today's episode:

Robert Morgan, On This Day in Christian History: 365 Amazing and Inspiring Stories about Saints, Martyrs and Heroes (Thomas Nelson: 2010)

Brother Andrew, God Smuggler (Chosen Books: 2015)

Brother Andrew, Secret Believers: What Happens When Muslims Believe in Christ (Revell: 2008)